Community Payback

Closed 31 Mar 2023

Opened 1 Feb 2023

Results expected 31 Mar 2023

Feedback expected 30 Sep 2023


We would like your views on your understanding of Community Payback Orders in East Lothian. 

Community Payback Orders (CPOs) include unpaid work in the community but also might involve working with a social worker (supervision). CPOs are imposed by courts to help people address their offending behaviour.

Supervision involves working with a social worker to address the reasons for committing crimes. These can be things like poor mental health, finances, or the impact of life experiences.

Some examples of current unpaid work projects include planting daffodils and garden maintenance at Pinkie Cleugh, repainting the artillery gun at Dunbar for the Queen's Jubilee, and repairing bikes for the benefit of the community


Why your views matter

Every year, we produce an annual report which looks at how effective CPOs are both for the people carrying them out and for the communities that benefit. We hope that this questionnaire will help us to gauge:

  • how aware communities are of Community Payback Orders, specifically the Supervision Requirement and the Unpaid Work or Other Activity Requirement
  • how effective CPOs are in helping people to address their offending
  • how we can generate more discussion with communities about unpaid work opportunities.

We will use the feedback you give us as part of this report.


  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Residents' views and priorities