Re-imagining health and social care in East Lothian (Planning for an ageing population)

Closed 8 Sep 2022

Opened 16 Jun 2022


Re-imagining health and social care in East Lothian

Empowering communities to support each other in later life

East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership (ELHSCP) is responsible for health and social care services in East Lothian.

Our aim is to provide the best possible person centred care
whilst delivering best value at all times.

We want to talk to a wide range of people in the community to get your views and ideas on what services for older people (aged 65+) could like in the future.

As part of ELHSCP’s Planning for an Ageing Population initiative, we are investigating:

  • How we can improve existing services for people, as they get older, to help them remain as healthy and independent as possible
  • How we can deliver care closer to or in a person’s own home 
  • How we can reduce the need for hospital-based care - especially when it is not the best or right place for someone’s health and or social care needs to be met.
  • We are also conducting an in-depth review of our care home places and looking in detail at how best to use them in the future.

We want to hear your views on:

  • What activities and services would you like to see in your community as you grow older
  • Your/your family's  experiences with East Lothian's existing care services 
  • Your ideas on how community care services (that reduce hospital admissions or helps shorten hospital stays) might be improved in the future.

We will treat everything you tell us in strict confidence.  We will only use the information you give us for this project.  We will follow all the necessary data protection guidance. You can find out more about Data Protection in the UK at Data protection - GOV.UK (

Thank You for Your Participation! 

As a thank you for providing your views within this survey, there is an option at the end of the questionnaire to enter into a prize draw to win a £100 shopping voucher.

This survey is available online and on paper.  For a paper version, please email and we'll send one (or more) on to you. You can find out more about the Planning for an Ageing Population project at





  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Residents' views and priorities