School Name Consultation - Haddington Infant School and King's Meadow Primary School

Closed 26 Aug 2018

Opened 18 Jun 2018


School Name Consultation – Haddington Infant School and King’s Meadow Primary School

Following the consultation that was undertaken in Spring 2018 to close Haddington Infant School and King’s Meadow Primary School and establish a new primary school and its associated catchment area for Haddington, East Lothian Council are now seeking suggestions for a new school name.

School Name Possibilities

Below are some ideas on which a potential school name could be based.  Please note, these are just examples and ideas as a starting point, and not an exhaustive list to pick from.

 The school name could be based on the location of the Primary school.  For example: 

“Tyne” – The name of the river that runs through Haddington 

“Neilson Park” – A local park next to both schools 

“Aubigny” - Comes from Aubigny-sur-Nère a French town with which Haddington is twinned  

Alternatively, a Notable Person could be used in the school name.  For example: 

“John Knox” – A Scottish minister, theologian and writer who was born in Haddington 

“William George Gillies” – A Scottish Landscape and still life painter who was born in Haddington  


You can submit your suggestion, along with an explanation of why you think it is suitable, in the questionnaire below. The most popular suggestions will be shortlisted and a vote for the most popular name will then be undertaken by pupils, parents and the wider community.


  • Haddington and Lammermuir


  • Young people
  • Parents and Guardians
  • Local Residents
  • Parents & Guardians
  • Children & Young People
  • Service Users
  • Parents & Carers
  • School staff
  • Local Residents
  • Community Groups & Organisations
  • Teachers
  • Staff
  • Students


  • Education
  • Learning
  • Childcare & Early Learning