Local Development Plan - intial consultation (pre-Main Issues Report)

Closed 12 Mar 2012

Opened 1 Feb 2012

Feedback updated 9 Nov 2012

We asked

What kind of East Lothian do you want in 10 years’ time?

You said

A wide range of views was expressed on what the priorities should be for East Lothian’s development. These covered a diverse range of topics: housing, transport, employment, shopping, community facilities, green space, renewable energy, and many others. A common theme across many of the workshops was the need for new development to be tailored for each settlement – effectively, a localised approach for each place. People generally welcomed the opportunity to contribute at an early stage of the planning process. However, it was commonly felt that more attention needs to be given to wide publicity of events in future. In addition, the 'call for sites' attracted around 100 submissions proposing particular land uses for a wide range of sites across East Lothian.

We did

We will consider all the views put forward and the site submissions when we prepare the Main Issues Report. This document will be published for consultation in due course. We will also attempt to improve future consultation events and their publicity based on the feedback we have received.

Results updated 31 Oct 2012

180 people attended the consultation events.  Planning Aid for Scotland produced a report for the Council summarising the events' findings.  In addition, around 100 site submissions were made to the Council, mainly by landowners and developers, and a number of other written comments and suggestions were also made by a range of parties.

The Council conducted an online survey of people who attended the consultation events, which will be used to try and improve future consultation events and their publicity.



Work has begun on the East Lothian Local Development Plan, ELLDPone.  This will be a new land-use plan that will eventually replace the existing East Lothian Local Plan 2008.  We want to gather the views of everyone with an interest in East Lothian, to know what aspirations people have for the way their area might develop over the next ten years or so, and what planning issues they think may need to be addressed in the new plan.

A series of 10 consultation events were held across East Lothian in February 2012.  These were run by Planning Aid for Scotland (PAS), an impartial, charitable organisation that helps people have their say in the planning system.  There was also the opportunity to submit written comments and suggestions to the Council and to propose sites for consideration for particular uses.

What happens next

The findings of the consultation events, the site submissions, and the other written comments are all being used to inform the forthcoming Main Issues Report, which is the next stage of the Local Development Plan process. 

This document will set out the Council's preferred strategy and the general policies and proposals for development in East Lothian, including where development should and should not happen.  It will also identify any reasonable alternative(s) to the preferred approach. 

The Main Issues Report will be the subject of further public consultation in due course (expected autumn 2013).


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