North Berwick Parking Strategy
East Lothian Council commissioned a study of car parking in North Berwick in 2012. The report produced, 'Delivering Strategies - North Berwick Car Park Site Appraisal Report' contained a number of recommendations. Based on these recommendations, the Council is now proposing to:
- increase off-street parking provision in North Berwick
- review the town centre residents' parking scheme and its extents
- re-designate off-street car parks for short, medium and long stay parking
- amend the existing Traffic Regulation Order for North Berwick to reflect current use and demand by businesses, residents and visitors
Why your views matter
This consultation will help to inform the development of a comprehensive parking strategy and amended Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for North Berwick.
Once the consultation has been closed and feedback analysed a report will go to East Lothian Council and a draft TRO will be produced.
A further round of consultation will take place in relation to the draft TRO - this will be advertised in the local press and on this website.
- North Berwick Coastal
- Business Community
- Local Residents
- Visitors / Tourists / Non Residents
- Traffic & transport
- Parking
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