Equality Outcome Setting 2025-2029

Closed 31 Jan 2025

Opened 4 Dec 2024


The Equality Act 2010 requires public bodies, such as local authorities and health and social care partnerships (HSCPs) to develop, publish and report on equality outcomes every four years.

Equality Outcomes help us to progress equality objectives and consider how we will meet the needs of everyone in the community to access our services and improve their health and life opportunities.

Equality Outcomes also create a space to discuss and tackle discrimination, and the causes of disadvantage.

The Equality Act 2010 names nine protected characteristic groups that previous evidence indicates have been disproportionately affected by unequal treatment. Equality Act 2010: What do I need to know?

Local authorities and health and social care partnerships across the Lothians have worked together to identify key areas where we can take action.  

Your views and suggestions will help us understand which key areas are most important to you.

You can answer for yourself (as a private citizen), as a representative of a group/organisation or as part of your professional role. You can share your views on all equality theme areas or just the ones most relevant to you or your work.

This pan-Lothian survey (across East, Mid and West Lothian) is being hosted online by partners at Midlothian Council. You will be asked to select which part of the Lothians your answers relate to in the first question of the survey.  

This survey is anonymous so please don't tell us anything that could identify you or anyone you care for.

We look forward to learning more about your equality priorities and ideas

Please use this link to access the questions Equality Outcome Setting

Equality Officer (East Lothian Council)
Equality and Engagement Officer (Health and Social Care Partnership)


  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Equalities