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10 results

  • Memorial Park, Gullane - Sport and Play Consultation

    EAST LOTHIAN’S OBJECTIVES East Lothian Council has successfully obtained financing through the Local Development Plan 2018, under the Section 75 Agreements Financial support is earmarked for the enhancement of Sport and Play provision at Memorial Park, Gullane. The purpose of the Section 75 funding is to furnish our expanding community with enhanced recreational spaces that cater to their diverse needs. The goal for... More
    Closed 26 April 2024
  • Lauderdale Park Play Area

    What would you like to see in the renewed Lauderdale Park Play Area? East Lothian Council has allocated some external funding to renew Lauderdale Park Play Area, Dunbar, as the existing play equipment needs to be replaced. Our aim is to provide a challenging, exciting, and inclusive play space for toddlers to teens (age range 0 – 15), with a range of abilities, to play and hang out. We would like to ensure that the new Lauderdale Park... More
    Closed 1 February 2024
  • Muirpark Play Area (Ormiston Road)

    What would you like to see in the renewed Muirpark Play Area, Ormiston Road, Tranent? East Lothian Council has allocated some external funding to renew Muirpark Play Area, Ormiston Road, Tranent, as the existing play equipment needs to be replaced. Our aim is to provide a challenging, exciting and inclusive play space for toddlers to teens (age range 0 – 15), with a range of abilities, to play and hang out. We would like to ensure that the... More
    Closed 28 January 2024
  • Draft East Lothian Play Sufficiency Assessment

    What is a Play Sufficiency Assessment (PSA)? The Play Sufficiency Assessment (PSA) is intended to provide an overall picture as to the provision and distribution of outdoor play opportunities for children across the whole of a local authority area. East Lothian Council commissioned Play Scotland to assess the quantity, quality and accessibility of our play spaces to inform our baseline PSA. Your comments will help East Lothian Council to produce a draft of its... More
    Closed 13 November 2023
  • Nature Networks East Lothian (Parks and Greenspaces)

    About this project We are keen to bring nature closer to our communities, by enhancing and extending our nature networks and boosting biodiversity in our parks and greenspaces. This will bring wide ranging benefits not just to nature, but also to the health and wellbeing of our local communities, and will help us tackle the climate emergency. Following the success of nature restoration projects across East Lothian’s countryside sites, this project will... More
    Closed 5 July 2023
  • Naming East Lothian's New Town

    We’re looking for your help in choosing a name for East Lothian’s new town. It will be located on a site near Tranent, Macmerry, Prestonpans, Longniddry and Cockenzie and Port Seton, close to the A1. The town will include new housing, a school, business space, shops, sports facilities and parks. The approved Local Development Plan also safeguarded land for a more significant potential expansion of the new settlement in due course. The council’s vision is to see the new settlement... More
    Closed 4 December 2019
  • Carer Friendly Communities - A Conversation

    You are invited to take part in a conversation about how we can all contribute to creating Carer Friendly Communities. Who are Carers? Carers are people who provide unpaid support and care for a family member, friend or neighbour. The Government estimates that 17% of adults have a caring role and for some people taking on that role can be a huge commitment and can lead to them being very isolated. Who should get involved in the Conversation? We'd like to involve a wide range of... More
    Closed 27 September 2018
  • East Lothian Local Development Plan 2018 Proposed Supplementary Planning Guidance - Farm Steading Design Guidance

    East Lothian Council, at its meeting on 29 th May 2018, approved the East Lothian Local Development Plan 2018 (ELLDP 2018) for adoption. The Council has now submitted the ELLDP 2018 to Scottish Ministers stating our intention to adopt the plan for the area. The ELLDP 2018 comprises a development strategy for the future development of East Lothian to 2024 and beyond, a detailed policy framework for guiding development, and proposals maps. It sets out where new development should and... More
    Closed 20 July 2018
  • Consultative Draft East Lothian Local Housing Strategy 2018-23

    The Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 requires all local authorities to prepare a Local Housing Strategy for their area, supported by an assessment of housing need and demand. The Council's Consultative Draft Local Housing Strategy sets out the strategy, priorities and plans for the delivery of housing and related services across East Lothian until 2023. The Strategy is wide-ranging, addressing homelessness, fuel poverty, energy efficiency, housing quality and specialist provision for... More
    Closed 9 March 2018
  • Lewisvale Park Revamp

    Musselburgh Area Partnership are working with East Lothian Council Amenity Services to explore how Lewisvale park can be modernised and given new facilities that will encourage local people to use the park more often. This consultation started at the “Live from Lewisvale” event on the 31 st July and will continue until midnight on Sunday 21st August 2016. A play area voting sheet has also been made availble in the related documents below which proposes three different designs... More
    Closed 21 August 2016
10 results. Page 1 of 1