Early Years Parent Consultation 2023

Closed 5 Dec 2023

Opened 6 Nov 2023

Results updated 22 May 2024

Please find below the results from our Early Years Eligible 2 - 5 year olds consulation.



East Lothian Council (ELC) offers a range of Early Learning and Childcare (EL&CC) options through local Council, Funded Partners and childminder settings.  This consultation seeks to gain insight around:

  1. Parent / Carer preference of the range of EL&CC options within their community.
  2. Potential improvements to the accessibility and flexibility of the EL&CC options available.
  3. The effect of the 1140 hours expansion on famililies.

We would like to hear views from Parents and Carers with eligible children aged 2-5 years.  For the purposes of this survey, we define EL&CC as the funded hours provided at East Lothian Council EL&CC settings, Funded Partners and Childminders.

The online survey, asks for views of Parents and Carers on:

  • Choosing an EL&CC setting.
  • Reasons for attendance.
  • How you will be accessing your child's EL&CC Entitlement.
  • Preferences of the current delivery models available to access the funded entitlement of EL&CC.

Why your views matter

The findings of the survey will be shared and used to inform future options offered to families accessing funded Early Learning and Childcare places and will support the development of sustainable childcare services across East Lothian


  • All Areas


  • Parents & Guardians


  • Childcare & Early Learning