Road Traffic Order - East Lothian Council (Victoria Park, Haddington) (Prohibition of Waiting, Loading and Unloading) (Variation No1) Order 2015

Closed 6 Jun 2016

Opened 25 Apr 2016


East Lothian Council gives notice that it has made an Order under Sections 1(1) and 2(1) and (2) and Parts III, IV and V of Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984 to extend the waiting, loading and unloading restrictions in Victoria Park, Florabank Road, Lydgait and Vetch Park, Haddington.

You can view a copy of the relevant Order, a map showing the road affected and a statement of the reasons for making the Order under 'Related Documents' below.

Copies of all the relevant documents may also be examined from Monday 25 April 2016 during normal office hours at Reception Desk, John Muir House, Haddington.

Previous statutory consultation took place in relation to the making of this Order - see 'Related Consultations' below.  



  • Haddington and Lammermuir


  • Local Residents
  • Parents and Guardians
  • Prescribed Consultees


  • Traffic & transport
  • Parking