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494 results

  • School Name Consultation - Prestonpans Infant & Nursery School and Prestonpans Primary School

    School Name Consultation – Prestonpans Infant & Nursery School and Prestonpans Primary School Following the consultation that was undertaken in Autumn 2018 to close Prestonpans Infant & Nursery School and Prestonpans Primary School and establish a new primary school structure and its associated catchment area for Prestonpans, East Lothian Council are now seeking suggestions for a new school name. School Name Possibilities A school name can be based on... More
    Closed 29 March 2019
  • Cross-boundary Green Network Areas - Strategic Framework for Edinburgh & East and Edinburgh & West

    The proposed Strategic Development Plan (SDP2) contains a commitment to prepare strategic frameworks for two cross-boundary Green Network Priority Areas and to adopt them as Supplementary Guidance to the Plan. The Reporter recommended no modification to this part of the Plan. The Strategic Framework for the Edinburgh & East and Edinburgh & West Cross-boundary Green Network Areas has now been published for consultation. SESPlan are inviting comments, known as representations,... More
    Closed 10 April 2019
  • East Lothian Local Development Plan 2018 Proposed Supplementary Planning Guidance - Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS)

    The East Lothian Local Development Plan 2018 (ELLDP) comprises a development strategy for the future development of East Lothian to 2024 and beyond, a detailed policy framework for guiding development, and proposals maps. It sets out where new development should and should not occur, including new housing, education, economic and retail development, new transport links, and other infrastructure. It sets out the detailed policies used to determine planning applications. Supplementary... More
    Closed 19 April 2019
  • East Lothian Access Study – ‘ Case for Change’ - Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance

    East Lothian Council has appointed Peter Brett Associates (PBA) to examine transport links to and from East Lothian, predominantly looking at the corridor through the west of the county broadly following the A1 and East Coast Main Line. It is here where the majority of journeys converge on the transport network. This work is being carried out to provide an evidence base to promote a step change in connectivity for the area. It will consider building on the interventions set... More
    Closed 10 May 2019
  • Links Worker Survey for patients at Inveresk, Prestonpans, Riverside and Tranent medical practices

    Are you a patient at Inveresk, Prestonpans, Riverside or Tranent Medical Practices? Have you used the Community Links Worker Service? You can find out more about Community Links workers at More
    Closed 21 May 2019
  • Practice Professionals Links Worker Survey

    Are you a member of staff at Inveresk, Prestonpans, Riverside or Tranent Medical Practices? Have you referred people to the Community Links Worker Service? You can find out more about Community Links workers at More
    Closed 21 May 2019
  • Draft East Lothian Mental Health and Wellbeing Action Plan for Children and Young People

    East Lothian Council Education service is looking for feedback on the Draft East Lothian Mental Health and Wellbeing Action Plan for Children and Young People. The draft plan can be found in the Related section below. More
    Closed 23 June 2019
  • Road Traffic Orders - June / July 2019

    East Lothian Council gives notice of its intention to make the following Road Safety Orders: Introduction of 30mph speed restriction on C110 and C111 West Fenton Roads Introduction of 40mph speed restriction on C110 West Fenton Road Further details, including how to submit any objections you may have, are available at the Tellme Scotland website below. More
    Closed 12 July 2019
  • Scottish Fire & Rescue Service Draft Strategic Plan

    The Scottish Fire & Rescue Service has launched a new draft Strategic Plan for public consultation. The Plan marks an important stage in the development of the Service and will shape our forward direction for the next three year period. You can view the draft Plan and respond to the consultation by following the link below. More
    Closed 18 July 2019
  • Draft East Lothian Climate Change Strategy

    East Lothian Council has developed a Draft East Lothian Climate Change Strategy 2019–2024 for consultation, setting out how we will continue to reduce carbon emissions that cause global warming, adapt to changes in our climate, and improve sustainability. We would like to hear your views on our proposals for how the Council, and the wider East Lothian community, including local communities, businesses, organisations and individuals, can tackle climate change. In... More
    Closed 22 July 2019
  • Voids Policy Review 2019

    A Review of the Council’s Void policy has been taking place. We use the term ‘void’ to describe a property where a tenant has moved out and the property is having the necessary repairs/checks completed before a new tenant can move in. East Lothian has a high demand for housing with 3400 applicants on the council’s housing list and it is important that we reduce the time that void properties are empty and allow people to move in as soon as possible. More
    Closed 31 July 2019
  • East Lothian Council, Various Streets, Haddington, Prohibition & Restriction on Waiting, Loading & Unloading, etc, Variation Order No:2

    East Lothian Council gives notice of its intention to introduce & change waiting restrictions at various locations in Haddington to control indiscriminate parking. Further details, including how to submit any objections you may have, are available at the Tellme Scotland website below. More
    Closed 2 August 2019
  • Countryside and Coast - Supplementary Planning Guidance - East Lothian Local Development Plan 2018

    The East Lothian Local Development Plan 2018 (LDP) is the development strategy for the future development of East Lothian to 2024 and beyond. It sets out where new development should and should not occur, including new housing, education, economic and retail development, new transport links, and other infrastructure as well as the detailed policies used to determine planning applications. This plan has now been adopted, and the policies within it are now set. This consultation is on the... More
    Closed 18 August 2019
  • Haddington & Lammermuir Area Partnership - A Voice For Your Community

    Haddington & Lammermuir Area Partnership would like to hear your ideas for improvements to the area. You can share your ideas by completing the online form below. You can read about Haddington & Lammermuir Area Partnership's Plan for the area and some of its achievements to date under 'Related' below, or by visiting our web page . More
    Closed 30 August 2019
  • Dunbar North 20mph speed limit consultation

    Following requests from community groups, and after a trial period in 2015, East Lothian Council introduced permanent 20pmh speed limits on residential streets in Dunbar between the A1 and the railway line (except Kellie Road and Spott Road). A further 20mph speed limit trial was introduced last year, covering Dunbar streets north of the railway line. Our aim was to reduce the dominance of motorised traffic, resulting in streets which feel safer for cycling and walking while still... More
    Closed 22 September 2019
  • East Lothian Council, Various Streets, Pencaitland, Prohibition & Restriction on Waiting, Loading & Unloading, etc, Consolidated Order 2018

    East Lothian Council gives notice of its intention to introduce & change waiting restrictions at various locations in Pencaitland to control indiscriminate parking. Further details, including how to submit any objections you may have, are available at the Tell me Scotland website below. More
    Closed 4 October 2019
  • East Lothian Council Gaelic Language Plan 2019-2024

    East Lothian Council has prepared a draft Gaelic Language Plan within the framework of the Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005. The draft Plan sets out how we will use Gaelic in the operation of our functions, how we will enable the use of Gaelic when communicating with the public and key partners, and how we will promote and develop Gaelic. More
    Closed 20 October 2019
  • Supported Bus Routes Consultation

    East Lothian Council subsidises a number of bus services on routes where no alternative route exists, and where commercial bus operators would not be able to cover their costs if they delivered a service. Where a need is identified, the Council may subsidise a commercial operator to cover a whole route, or part of a route at a particular time of the day. We currently subsidise bus services on the following routes: 109 - Humbie to Haddington (Campbells Coaches) 110 - New... More
    Closed 20 October 2019
  • Dunbar & East Linton Area Partnership - A Voice For Your Community

    Dunbar & East Linton Partnership would like to hear your ideas for improvements to the area. You can share your ideas by completing the online form below. You can read about Dunbar & East Linton Area Partnership's Plan for the area and some of its achievements to date under 'Related' below, or by visiting our web page. More
    Closed 25 October 2019
  • Community Links Worker Public Engagement

    We are developing a Community Link Worker service that will support patients with social, emotional and practical needs. We’d like to hear from anyone who might use the service about what they think it should look like. More
    Closed 25 October 2019
  • Rent Consultation 2020-2021

    Every year East Lothian Council consults with tenants, tenants' and residents' groups, and East Lothian Tenants and Residents Panel (ELTRP) on our proposals to increase rents. The council is considering a rent increase of 5%. Based on our budget planning this is an estimate of what it will take to maintain existing services, continue with our investment in the development of new council homes, and maintain and improve our existing housing stock. You can find details of how rent... More
    Closed 15 November 2019
  • Naming East Lothian's New Town

    We’re looking for your help in choosing a name for East Lothian’s new town. It will be located on a site near Tranent, Macmerry, Prestonpans, Longniddry and Cockenzie and Port Seton, close to the A1. The town will include new housing, a school, business space, shops, sports facilities and parks. The approved Local Development Plan also safeguarded land for a more significant potential expansion of the new settlement in due course. The council’s vision is to see the new settlement... More
    Closed 4 December 2019

    East Lothian Council gives notice that it intends to make an Order under 82(2), 83(2) and 84(1) and (2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to introduce a 40mph speed limit on a section of the A6093 at Pencaitland A copy of the proposed Order, Schedule, plan showing the extent of the restrictions and the statement of reasons for making the Order can be viewed at Main Reception, John Muir House Haddington, however they are also available on the council’s website at ... More
    Closed 13 December 2019

    East Lothian Council gives notice that it intends to make an Order under 82(2), 83(2) and 84(1) and (2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to introduce a 40mph speed restriction on the B6371 Ormiston Road, Tranent a distance of approximately 410 metres or thereby A copy of the proposed Order, Schedule, plan showing the extent of the restrictions and the statement of reasons for making the Order can be viewed at Main Reception, John Muir House Haddington, however they are also... More
    Closed 13 December 2019

    East Lothian Council gives notice that it intends to make an Order under 82(2), 83(2) and 84(1) and (2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to amend the 30mph speed limit on the B1407 Haddington Road East Linton approximately 72 metres further west A copy of the proposed Order, Schedule, plan showing the extent of the restrictions and the statement of reasons for making the Order can be viewed at Main Reception, John Muir House Haddington, however they are also available on the... More
    Closed 13 December 2019

    East Lothian Council gives notice that it intends to make an Order under 82(2), 83(2) and 84(1) and (2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to extend the 30mph speed limit on the B6471 Gateside Road, Haddington to the junction with the A199 at Oak Tree. A copy of the proposed Order, Schedule, plan showing the extent of the restrictions and the statement of reasons for making the Order can be viewed at Main Reception, John Muir House Haddington however they are also available on the... More
    Closed 13 December 2019
  • East Lothian Local Development Plan 2018 Proposed Supplementary Planning Guidance - Design Standards for New Housing Areas SPG (2019)

    The East Lothian Local Development Plan 2018 (ELLDP) has been adopted by the Council and replaced the East Lothian Local Plan 2008 with regards all planning matters in the area. The Local Development Plan 2018 sets out the overall spatial strategy for East Lothian and contains detailed policies used to determine planning applications. Supplementary Planning Guidance expands upon existing policies and proposals and is used to support the content of the Local Development Plan 2018. ... More
    Closed 20 December 2019
  • Your Police

    Police Scotland are carrying out a consultation to find out what issues people feel they should prioritise at both a national and local level. The information gathered through this consultation will help to inform: The East Lothian Local Police Plan Police Scotland's Long-Term Strategy You can find out more and share your views by following the link below. More
    Closed 31 December 2019
  • East Lothian Council (Electric Vehicle Parking Places) Order 2019

    East Lothian Council gives notice that it intends to make an Order under Sections 1(1), 2(1) and (2), 3, 32 (1), 35 (1), 49, 53 and Part IV of Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to introduce Electric Vehicle Parking Places A copy of the proposed Order, Schedule, plan showing the extent of the restrictions and the statement of reasons for making the Order can be viewed at Main Reception, John Muir House Haddington however they are also available on the council’s website... More
    Closed 17 January 2020
  • Revenues Systems Customer Feedback Survey

    Revenues Systems Customer Feedback Survey More
    Closed 3 February 2020
494 results. Page 9 of 17