514 results
East Lothian Council Play Policy
Please help us to develop a Play Policy for East Lothian. MoreClosed 30 September 2016 -
School Lunch Drink Options - Parent Survey
East Lothian Council School Catering is keen to engage with children, parents and teaching staff to encourage support for the school food service and improve the overall service we provide in schools. The Scottish Government's 'Healthy Eating in Schools' regulations set out the standards for all food and drink provided by the school and local authority. As well as delivering healthy nutritional standards, school food should aim to positively influence food behaviours for future... MoreClosed 2 October 2016 -
Education Accessibility Strategy 2016
East Lothian Council Education Service values and respects the diverse communities it serves and has policy and guidance documents in place to promote positive attitudes and eliminate discrimination and stereotyping in all of its establishments. The Service has a legal duty to prepare a strategy to increase the physical accessibility of the school environment, increase the access to the curriculum and improve communication, especially in relation to the provision of school... MoreClosed 7 October 2016 -
Anti-Bullying Policy Consultation
East Lothian Council is in the process of developing a new Anti-Bullying Policy in line with the Scottish Government's national approach to anti-bullying for Scotland's children and young people. In line with the Scottish Government and respectme (Scotland's Anti-Bullying Service) we define bullying as: 'a mixture of behaviours which can impact on a person's capacity to feel in control of themselves. This is what we term as their sense of 'agency'. Bullying takes place in the... MoreClosed 14 October 2016 -
Haddington and Lammermuir Area Community Transport Project
Haddington and Lammermuir Area Partnership is exploring the options for providing public transport for rural communities in and around the Haddington & Lammermuir ward who don’t have any out of hours public bus service at present. Local people in the Humbie area have told us that they would like to be able to access social and recreation facilities as well as use local services such as the shops and the library in Haddington but struggle to get there without a car, particularly in the... MoreClosed 30 October 2016 -
East Lothian Proposed Local Development Plan - Draft Environmental Report
Having had regard to the submissions received on the Main Issues Report (consulted on from 17 November 2014 to 8 February 2015), the planning authority has prepared and published a proposed Local Development Plan under Section 18 of the Planning etc (Scotland) Act 2006. The Council has written a Draft Environmental Report for the Proposed Local Development Plan (LDP) under the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005. The process taken to write this report is... MoreClosed 7 November 2016 -
East Lothian Proposed Local Development Plan
Having had regard to the submissions received on the Main Issues Report (consulted on from 17 November 2014 to 8 February 2015), the planning authority has prepared and published a proposed Local Development Plan under Section 18 of the Planning etc (Scotland) Act 2006. The proposed East Lothian Local Development Plan (LDP) is the Council’s settled view as to what the final adopted content of the plan should be. The proposed plan comprises a development strategy for the future... MoreClosed 7 November 2016 -
Haddington & Lammermuir Area Partnership 4 Wishes Exercise
The “4 wishes” exercise asks you (and any groups you may represent) to identify the 4 things that would make a difference to your own and the wider communities’ lives. The aim of this exercise is draw out the actions that can be implemented over the longer term of the Area Plan such as how we can make the best use of public facilities and green spaces, and supporting groups and organisations to provide local services. The “wishes” you are being asked for are: If you had 4... MoreClosed 7 November 2016 -
East Lothian Proposed Local Development Plan - Draft Development Briefs
The Council has published its proposed East Lothian Local Development Plan (LDP ). This is the Council’s settled view as to what the final adopted content of the Local Development Plan for the area should be. The proposed plan comprises a development strategy for the future development of East Lothian to 2024 and beyond, a detailed policy framework for guiding development and proposals maps . It sets out where new development should and should not occur, including new housing,... MoreClosed 7 November 2016 -
East Lothian Local Development Plan - Affordable Housing Quota and Tenure Mix
The Council has published its proposed East Lothian Local Development Plan (LDP ). This is the Council’s settled view as to what the final adopted content of the Local Development Plan for the area should be. The proposed plan comprises a development strategy for the future development of East Lothian to 2024 and beyond, a detailed policy framework for guiding development and proposals maps . It sets out where new development should and should not occur, including new housing,... MoreClosed 7 November 2016 -
East Lothian Local Development Plan Supplementary Guidance - Draft Developer Contributions Framework
The Council has published its proposed East Lothian Local Development Plan (LDP ). This is the Council’s settled view as to what the final adopted content of the Local Development Plan for the area should be. The proposed plan comprises a development strategy for the future development of East Lothian to 2024 and beyond, a detailed policy framework for guiding development and proposals maps . It sets out where new development should and should not occur, including new housing,... MoreClosed 7 November 2016 -
East Lothian Local Development Plan - Action Programme
The Council has published its proposed East Lothian Local Development Plan (LDP ). This is the Council’s settled view as to what the final adopted content of the Local Development Plan for the area should be. The proposed plan comprises a development strategy for the future development of East Lothian to 2024 and beyond, a detailed policy framework for guiding development and proposals maps . It sets out where new development should and should not occur, including new housing,... MoreClosed 7 November 2016 -
Cockenzie Masterplan
East Lothian Council has appointed consultants to carry out a masterplanning exercise for the former Cockenzie Power Station site. Peter Brett Associates (PBA) will lead a multi-disciplinary team assisting the council in work with local communities and external stakeholders to develop a strategic masterplan for the site and surrounding land. The masterplan process will seek to create a vision for the future redevelopment of the area, with a wide range of opportunities set to be explored.... MoreClosed 10 November 2016 -
Excellence and Equity in Education - A Governance Review
The Scottish Government is consulting on proposals to change governance of education in Scotland. This includes looking at where decision making lies in relation to the education of children and young people and significant changes to funding mechanisms. East Lothian Council hopes that as many people as possible take this opportunity to consider what would be major changes to the current system. You can view the Scottish Government's consultation document below, along with a presentation... MoreClosed 14 December 2016 -
Draft Air Quality Action Plan - Public Consultation
Purpose of this Consultation East Lothian Council declared its first Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) covering High Street Musselburgh in November 2013. A Draft Air Quality Action Plan has now been produced outlining a number of measures that we think offer the best opportunity to improve air quality in the area. We are keen to hear what people think of the proposals contained in the Draft Action Plan. What is the Problem? Air pollution is a widespread problem, affecting... MoreClosed 16 December 2016 -
Letham Mains Primary School Catchment Area Consultation
We want to hear your views on the proposed change to the Letham Mains Primary School catchment area There is significant house building proposed for the land at Letham Mains, Haddington. To accommodate pupils who will eventually live in planned housing developments at Letham Mains we are proposing to alter the Letham Mains catchment boundary to include the Letham Mains Expansion area (LDP Proposal HN2), currently in the Haddington Infant School and King’s Meadow... MoreClosed 20 December 2016 -
Preston Lodge High School Catchment Area and Blindwells Primary School Consultation
We want to hear your views on the proposed change to Preston Lodge High School catchment area and the establishment of a new primary school at Blindwells. There is significant house building proposed for the Blindwells new settlement (LDP Proposal BW1). To accommodate pupils who will eventually live in planned housing developments, a new primary school will be established in the Blindwells area providing primary education and early learning and childcare provision. ... MoreClosed 20 December 2016 -
Change to Pinkie St Peter's and Wallyford Primary Schools Catchment Areas
We want to hear your views on the proposed change to the Pinkie St Peter’s and Wallyford Primary Schools Catchment Areas. There is significant house building proposed for the Musselburgh area. To accommodate pupils who will eventually live in planned housing developments on the Land at Levenhall, Musselburgh (LDP Proposal MH8) we are proposing to alter the Pinkie St Peter’s Primary School catchment boundary to include the Levenhall site (LDP Proposal MH8), currently in... MoreClosed 20 December 2016 -
Craighall Primary School and Catchment Area
We want to hear your views on the establishment of a new primary school and its associated catchment area within the Land at Craighall, Musselburgh. There is significant house building proposed for the Land at Craighall, Musselburgh (LDP Proposal MH1). To accommodate pupils who will eventually live in planned housing developments, a new primary school will be established in the Craighall area providing primary education and early learning and childcare provision. ... MoreClosed 20 December 2016 -
Public Consultation for Body Worn Video Cameras in East Lothian
Public Consultation - Privacy Impact Assessment Parking Attendants with Body Worn Video Cameras East Lothian Council wants to improve travel for everybody, whether pedestrians, cyclists, bus passengers, car or lorry drivers. Parking Attendants are vital to keep traffic flowing safely and the transport network at its most efficient for all motorists. To help manage traffic, including on and off Street parking restrictions, East Lothian Council and service partner NSL, are to equip... MoreClosed 22 December 2016 -
Rent Level Consultation 2017-18
East Lothian Council consults with tenants, tenants and residents groups and East Lothian Tenants and Residents Panel every year on our proposals to increase rents. This year the consultation will end on Friday 6th January. We will use the results to prepare a report for a special budget meeting of the full council in February 2017. At this meeting, councillors will decide the level of rent and service charge change for council tenants in the year 2017-18. We will then write to tell... MoreClosed 6 January 2017 -
East Lothian Council Public Budget Consultation
You Pay... Have Your Say Each year, East Lothian Council sets a budget to pay for the wide range of vital services it provides to the community. This involves choice and setting priorities which means difficult decisions need to be made. This is becoming increasingly challenging as we try to balance the needs and wishes of our communities, our growing and ageing population against diminishing resources. We are already planning a significant number of efficiencies and budget reduction... MoreClosed 6 January 2017 -
Developing a Community Justice Approach in East Lothian
Community Justice is the term used to refer to the collection of individuals, organisations and services that work together to support, manage and supervise people who have committed offences. Community Justice involvement takes place from the point of arrest; through prosecution, community disposal, custody and alternatives to these; until the individual is reintegrated into the community. Working in partnership with local communities is important to help ensure that Community... MoreClosed 12 January 2017 -
Fisherrow Harbour and Waterfront Area Feasibility Study
Fisherrow Harbour is a Category B Listed Building is included within the Musselburgh Common Good and is managed by East Lothian Council. The harbour is of historic significance and known to have been in existence in 1592. This study is being carried out to identify what projects and activities would improve the harbour and Waterfront area in order to attract further leisure sailing, additional tourism and leisure activity. The study will clearly set out a strategy for the future... MoreClosed 15 January 2017 -
East Lothian Residents Survey 2017
The East Lothian Residents Survey was carried out during March 2017 on behalf of the East Lothian Partnership. Face to face interviews took place with a representative sample of 1,565 local residents from across East Lothian. Topics in the survey included: neighbourhood and quality of life; community safety; health & wellbeing and perceptions of public sector services. MoreClosed 31 March 2017 -
East Lothian Health & Social Care Partnership - Developing an Engagement Strategy
The Integration Joint Board (IJB) of East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership is committed to improving outcomes for our population and for the communities in which people live. Our Strategic Plan describes this commitment and recognises that central to achieving our vision is the involvement of the different perspectives, skills, knowledge and resources of a broad range of people involved both in health and social care services and in our communities. The Strategic Plan... MoreClosed 7 April 2017 -
Proposed closure and re-designation of Levenhall Nursery School to Pinkie St Peter’s Primary School Nursery Class
RESULTS UPDATED: On 27 June 2017, East Lothian Council approved the proposal to close and re-designate Levenhall Nursery to Pinkie St Peter’s Primary School Nursery Class. As per the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010 Scottish Ministers have been notified of this decision and now have a period of eight weeks to decide whether to issue a call in notice. Members of the public have a period of three weeks during which they can make representations to... MoreClosed 26 April 2017 -
Arts Strategy for East Lothian Community Hospital
Work to build a new East Lothian Community Hospital in Haddington is underway. We are now working on the development of an Arts Strategy to help plan creative activity in and around the hospital building. The aim of the Arts Strategy will be to provide a positive, patient-centred creative environment - we would like to invite you to share your views on what this could look like. What are the benefits of art in hospitals? - Sitting alongside medical care, the arts can have a positive impact... MoreClosed 5 May 2017 -
Policing 2026 Draft Strategy
Police Scotland and the Scottish Police Authority are consulting on a proposed 10 year strategy for policing. You can find out more and take part in the consultation by following the link below. MoreClosed 8 May 2017 -
East Linton 20mph Speed Limit Experimental Order
East Linton 20mph Speed Limit Experimental Order East Lothian Council gives notice that it intends to make an Experimental Order under Sections 82, 83 and 84 and Parts III and IV of Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to prohibit the driving of vehicles at a speed exceeding 20 miles per hour at any time on any of the lengths of road specified in Schedule 1 of this Order. A copy of the proposed Order, Schedules, plans showing the extent of the restrictions and the... MoreClosed 26 May 2017
514 results.
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