514 results
Haddington Sustainable Travel Hub
East Lothian Council is proposing to increase the overall number of car parking spaces in and around the town centre, supporting ambitions to improve the local environment and support the economy. To enable this, some existing long-stay car parking in the town centre would be re-designated for short-stay use. This will improve parking options for shoppers and visitors. This would include the potential re-designation of the existing ‘Tesco long-stay’ car park for short-stay use.... MoreClosed 25 March 2020 -
Tenant Participation Strategy 2020
We are looking for tenants views on our tenant participation strategy and have prepared a draft strategy for 2020+ which explains how tenant participation works in East Lothian Council and what resources and support are available to help tenants to get involved with us and influence the services we provide. Please take a few minutes to have a look at the draft strategy (under 'Related' below) and tell us what you think by completing our short online survey. Thank you for... MoreClosed 27 March 2020 -
Dunbar North (Various Roads) Permanent 20mph Speed Limit
ROAD TRAFFIC REGULATION ACT 1984 East Lothian Council (Various Roads, Dunbar) (Permanent 20mph Speed Limit) Order 2020 TO – 050/20 East Lothian Council gives notice that it intends to make an Order under Sections 82, 83 and 84 and Parts III and IV of Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to prohibit the driving of vehicles at a speed exceeding 20 miles per hour at any time on any of the lengths of road specified in Schedule 1 of this... MoreClosed 27 March 2020 -
East Lothian Community Hospital Cycle Path Survey
We plan to develop a cycle path in the grounds of the new East Lothian Community Hospital. As we do this, we would like to get the views of people who walk, cycle or scoot in Haddington and the surrounding area. The path would provide a link between the Haddington to Longniddry cycle path and Hospital Road, providing better access to both the town pathways and the A199. It would be suitable for cycling, walking and scooting. Please help us by filling in this quick questionnaire to... MoreClosed 5 May 2020 -
Near Me Video Consultations
The Scottish Government team behind Near Me has launched a major engagement exercise and public survey to find out what people think about the service and how it might be improved for the future. Alongside this contact is being made with a wide range of stakeholders including third sector, health and social care charities, patient and carer organisations, health boards, local authorities, health and social care partnerships, public sector organisations, professional bodies and staff who... MoreClosed 24 July 2020 -
Children and Young People's Strategic Plan Priorities
We want all East Lothian children and young people to have the best life. To do this, we need to create the Children and Young People's Service Plan for 2020 to 2023. It will list all the things we need to do to make your lives better, including things that have happened because of COVID-19. MoreClosed 7 August 2020 -
Development Proposal for Fa'side Lodge, Tranent
East Lothian Council are currently at the design stage of a development proposal for the site of the previous nursing home ‘Fa’side Lodge’ at the top of Church Street, Tranent. The proposal is to develop 28 council properties with a mix of 2 and 3 bedroom bungalows and 1 and 2 bedroom cottage flats. It is anticipated that these properties will deliver both mainstream and specialised housing. The design is in keeping with the general character of the... MoreClosed 9 August 2020 -
Wheelchair Accessible Housing in East Lothian
In 2019, the Scottish Government brought in a requirement for all local authorities to set a realistic target within its Local Housing Strategy for the delivery of wheelchair accessible housing across all housing, reporting annually on progress. The Scottish Government have defined Wheelchair Accessible Housing as homes suitable for wheelchair users to live in, making the distinction between homes which have the ability to be adapted or homes which wheelchairs users can visit. ... MoreClosed 12 October 2020 -
ClimatEvolution sets out an overall vision for the future development and use of land in and around Tranent, Prestonpans, Cockenzie/Port Seton, Macmerry and Longniddry, Blindwells new settlement and the former Cockenzie Power Station site. ClimatEvolution is not a fixed masterplan, and has no current clear route to delivery. Instead it is a place based response to the Council's Climate Change Strategy. It sets out an ambitious vision for this area over the next 30 years,... MoreClosed 16 October 2020 -
Wallyford secondary learning facility PAN
Design proposals have been developed for a new, additional secondary learning facility at Wallyford to serve the Musselburgh area. Additional secondary school facilities are needed to accommodate a growing school roll in the area due to ongoing and planned housing development. A site to the north of the new Wallyford Primary School was marked in the Local Development Plan for the creation of a learning campus. Alongside modern teaching and social spaces the new... MoreClosed 19 October 2020 -
Respect for All (Anti-Bullying Policy) Consultation
East Lothian Council is in the process of developing a new policy in line with the Scottish Government's national approach to anti-bullying for Scotland's children and young people. “Bullying is both behaviour and impact; the impact is on a person’s capacity to feel in control of themselves. This is what we term as their sense of ‘agency’. Bullying takes place in the context of relationships; it is behaviour that can make people feel hurt, threatened, frightened and left out.... MoreClosed 12 November 2020 -
Inclusion, Equality & Accessibility Policy Consultation
East Lothian Council believes that inclusion, equality and accessibility are essential components for schools to achieve equity and excellence in education for all our children and young people. An inclusive approach, with a celebration of diversity and an ambition for all to achieve is essential to getting it right for every child and raising attainment for all. The authority is in the process of developing a new policy detailing the actions required by... MoreClosed 12 November 2020 -
Public Entertainment Resolution
Notice is hereby given that East Lothian Council proposes to amend their current resolutuion relative to the licensing of Public Entertainment activities. The amended propsal is attahced hereto. Any person or body wishing to make objections or representations in relation to this intended amendment should do so in writing; all such objections or representations should be received a the undernoted address no later than 27 November 2020. MoreClosed 27 November 2020 -
Accommodation Survey
East Lothian Council is inviting all accommodation providers in East Lothian to take park in this short survey to aid the COVID economic reset and recovery. Your participation will help to ensure that there is full engagement across the sector and that your views will contribute to the recovery process and future initiatives and activities. MoreClosed 30 November 2020 -
What do you think of current visual impairment services?
East Lothian and Midlothian Health and Social Care Partnerships are putting in place a new contract to support adults over 16 with visual impairment and we need to better understand your needs and views. We are also interested to hear your views on implementing the Scottish Government strategy for sensory impairment, See Hear. MoreClosed 4 December 2020 -
East Lothian Integration Joint Board - Equality Outcomes 2021-2025
The Equality Act 2010 requires all public bodies (such as councils and the health service) to publish equality outcomes at least every four years. Equality outcomes aim to achieve specific and identifiable improvements in people’s life chances, eliminate discrimination and foster good relations. Working in partnership - East Lothian Integration Joint Board, Edinburgh, West Lothian and Midlothian Councils (including their education authorities and Midlothian’s licensing board),... MoreClosed 22 December 2020 -
Rent Consultation 2021-2022
Every year East Lothian Council consults with tenants, tenants and residents groups, and East Lothian Tenants and Residents Panel (ELTRP) on our proposals to increase rents. The council's existing budget plans are built around a five per cent increase over the next few years. However, taking into account the impact of the Coronavirus on household incomes, the council is proposing to limit next year's rent increase to 2%. This is based on an estimate of what it will take to maintain... MoreClosed 12 February 2021 -
Land Management Rules for East Lothian
East Lothian Council, in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 112 of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982, intends making Land Management Rules for the Council’s Countryside sites, Parks, Nature Reserves and Greenspace which are intended to facilitate the use of these areas in a manner whereby the public can make use of such resources responsibly. These new Land Management Rules are produced to address growing concerns about the use of East Lothian outdoor spaces following... MoreClosed 1 March 2021 -
Learning Estate Review: Pre-Consultation
We want to hear your views on the East Lothian Council School Estate. East Lothian Council’s vision is to develop a modern, safe, sustainable learning estate that enhances and supports communities while improving the lives of families equally, no matter what area they are in. This online questionnaire is designed to gather views on the condition of our existing school estate and to understand how well the environments can support learning. The purpose of this process is to... MoreClosed 15 March 2021 -
Print and Mail Communications
Since Covid there has been a decrease in hard-copy letters being sent to customers and being received by the Council. The Council is considering how best to manage mail and correspondence in the future and would welcome your input to allow us to design a system that meets your needs. This short survey covers outbound and inbound mail and use of the Print Unit. Please share with the individuals in your Service who deal with mail and printing. MoreClosed 22 April 2021 -
East Lothian Primary Care Improvement Plan
East Lothian’s Primary Care Improvement Plan was developed in collaboration with primary care professionals, primary care representatives, stakeholders, service managers, the third sector and planners. It aims to develop a model of care which: Develops a multidisciplinary team approach to identifying and meeting patient needs Establishes new ways of working and new ways to deliver primary care services across the county in suitable premises Provides improved, accessible... MoreClosed 30 April 2021 -
Community Justice Local Outcome Improvement Plan 2021-24
Welcome to the second East Lothian Community Justice Local Outcome Improvement Plan. This Plan details our ambitions as a Community Justice Partnership to improve the lives of people wherever they are on the justice pathway - working with children and young people to prevent them entering the justice system, with people who have convictions to help them move away from offending behaviour, with the families of people who have offended and supporting the victims of crime. We... MoreClosed 16 May 2021 -
Notice of proposed order to exempt land from Access Rights
Notice is hereby given under Section 11(2)(b) of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 (the “Act”) that East Lothian Council proposes to make The East Lothian Council (Scottish Open, The Renaissance Club) (Exemption) Order 2021 (the “Order”) under Section 11(1) of the Act. MoreClosed 24 May 2021 -
ROAD TRAFFIC REGULATION ACT 1984 THE EAST LOTHIAN COUNCIL (VARIOUS ROADS – PRESTONPANS) (PROHIBITION & RESTRICTION ON WAITING, LOADING & UNLOADING ETC), VARIATION ORDER NO: 1 East Lothian Council gives notice that it intends to make an Order under Sections 1(1), 2(1) and (2), 3 and Part III of... MoreClosed 4 June 2021 -
Scottish Government's Local Place Plan Regulations consultation
Local Place Plans are a new type of community led plan giving people an opportunity to develop proposals for the development and use of land in the place where they live. They will not replace Local Development Plans but will provide more detail for smaller areas. They will be drawn up by communities with support from the Planning Service. Introduced by the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 these plans will set out a community’s aspirations for its future development. Whilst provisions in the... MoreClosed 25 June 2021 -
Library Survey 2021
Like many aspects of everyday life the library service has been operating in a very different way for the past year. By undertaking this survey we want to make sure that as we emerge from lockdown we are providing a library service that is relevant for the future and which people will continue to value. Prior to lockdown in March 2020, East Lothian Council operated 12 public libraries with a total of 399 opening hours every week. It had also contracted with Midlothian Council to... MoreClosed 11 July 2021 -
East Lothian Council website survey 2021
Tell us about your experience of using our website. We are interested to hear your views if you live or work in East Lothian. MoreClosed 14 July 2021 -
Museums Service Survey 2021
East Lothian Council operates 4 museums directly, supports the operation of 3 community museums, provides loan collections to schools, care homes and community groups, supports community exhibitions, runs an exhibition, events and activities programme and manages the ELC Museum Collection & museum store. This survey concerns those museums directly operated by ELC Museums Service. The museum opening hours have remained the same since the opening of the John Gray Centre... MoreClosed 25 July 2021 -
A copy of the proposed Order, Schedule, plan showing the extent of the restrictions and the statement of reasons for making the Order are available on the council’s website at www.eastlothian.gov.uk and on www.tellmescotland.gov.uk Any person may question the validity of the Order or any of its provisions on the ground that it is not within the powers of the relevant enabling Act or that a requirement of the Act or relevant regulations have not been complied with, by making... MoreClosed 26 July 2021 -
Covid 19 Tenants Survey
We know that many households have been affected financially by COVID-19. East Lothian Council’s Rent Income Team is committed to ensuring all tenants receive help and support when needed, therefore we are asking Council tenants to complete a short survey to tell us how the current situation has affected you. MoreClosed 27 July 2021
514 results.
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