516 results
East Lothian Licensing Board Overprovision Consultation
By law, Licensing Boards must produce a ‘Statement of Licensing Policy’ every five years, which includes an Overprovision declaration relating to the area the Board serves. Overprovision is an assessment of the capacity of licensed premises in Boards' areas. In simple terms it is a judgement as to whether there are sufficient numbers of alcohol licensed on-consumption premises (pubs, clubs, hotels, restaurants and the like) in the area or alcohol off-sales licensed premises (shops,... MoreOpened 6 December 2017 -
Draft IJB Strategic Plan 2019-2022 Consultation
The IJB Strategic Plan 2019-2022 will set out the next stage of development for East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership in the delivery of all of its services to improve quality and service-user outcomes and to reflect local need, local priorities and national and local policies, strategies and action plans. The plan also needs to be flexible enough to make necessary changes, including reprioritisation to reflect changes in local and national policy and in local demand and need. ... MoreOpened 18 December 2017 -
Haddington Education Consultation
CONSULTATION ON THE PROPOSED CLOSURE OF HADDINGTON INFANT SCHOOL AND KING’S MEADOW PRIMARY SCHOOL AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NEW PRIMARY SCHOOL AND ITS ASSOCIATED CATCHMENT AREA FOR HADDINGTON. If approved: • Haddington Infant School and King’s Meadow Primary School will be closed with effect from August 2018, or as soon as possible thereafter; • A new primary school and its associated catchment area will be established for Haddington with effect from August 2018, or as soon... MoreOpened 8 January 2018 -
Consultative Draft East Lothian Local Housing Strategy 2018-23
The Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 requires all local authorities to prepare a Local Housing Strategy for their area, supported by an assessment of housing need and demand. The Council's Consultative Draft Local Housing Strategy sets out the strategy, priorities and plans for the delivery of housing and related services across East Lothian until 2023. The Strategy is wide-ranging, addressing homelessness, fuel poverty, energy efficiency, housing quality and specialist provision for... MoreOpened 19 January 2018 -
Adult Social Care Services Charging Consultation
East Lothian Council has to save around £39 million over five years. Part of that saving has to come from the adult social care budget. Adult social care (delivered by the East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership) provides a wide range of services to support a wide range of people, including older people, people with disabilities, people with mental health needs, and also carers. The support provided includes care at home, transport, meals at home and short breaks. We have to... MoreOpened 23 January 2018 -
East Lothian Council (Neilson Park Road, Victoria Road and Wemyss Place, Haddington) (Prohibition of Motor Vehicles) Order 2018
East Lothian Council gives notice that it intends to make an Order under Sections 1(1), 2(1) and (2), 3 and Parts III and V of Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to prohibit the driving of vehicles during school term times at various times of the day on Neilson Park Road, Victoria Road, Wemyss Place, Haddington. A copy of the proposed Order, Schedules, plans showing the extent of the restrictions and the statement of reasons for making the Order can be viewed at Main... MoreOpened 29 January 2018 -
East Lothian Council (Countess Crescent, Dunbar) (Prohibition of Motor Vehicles) Order 2018
East Lothian Council gives notice that it intends to make an Order under Sections 1(1), 2(1) and (2), 3 and Parts III and V of Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to prohibit the driving of vehicles during school term times at various times of the day on Countess Crescent, Dunbar A copy of the proposed Order, Schedules, plans showing the extent of the restrictions and the statement of reasons for making the Order can be viewed at Main Reception, John Muir House Haddington,... MoreOpened 1 February 2018 -
Scottish Fire & Rescue Service - Your Service.... Your Voice
A public consultation is being carried out on the safe and planned future of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service. The creation of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) in 2013 has been good for Scotland. The Service has continued to improve the safety and wellbeing of communities while benefitting from the operational and financial efficiencies of bringing eight brigades together as one. SFRS has proven that it is capable of delivering major reform. It has laid the... MoreOpened 14 February 2018 -
Proposed Traffic Orders (February / March 2018)
Traffic Orders help manage traffic flow, speed limits and where you can park. Here is a list of current East Lothian Traffic Order proposals: East Lothian Council (B1377, Limekilns, Longniddry) (Stopping Up) Order 2018 - Road East Lothian Council (A199 Strawberry Corner, Wallyford) (Stopping Up) Order 2018 - Road East Lothian Council (Eskmills Road, Inveresk Industrial Estate, Musselburgh) (Stopping Up) Order 2018 - Verges East Lothian Council (U224 Fenton Barns Farm Cottages,... MoreOpened 14 February 2018 -
Haddington Community Shelter
Haddington and Lammermuir Area Partnership has been working with East Lothian Council and local community partners to identify a suitable location in Haddington for a community shelter. This has arisen following a request from young people for a place where they could meet to socialise in Haddington and was first raised when the Area Partnership began developing their Area Plan in 2014. The request was duly noted as a potential outcome in the Area Plan and then gained further momentum... MoreOpened 15 February 2018 -
Musselburgh Old Town Hall
Proposals have been drawn up to bring Musselburgh's Old Town Hall and Tolbooth back into full use and we want to hear your views. This is your chance to help shape the future of this iconic listed building. There are a number of ways in which you can view the proposals for the Old Town Hall and Tolbooth: Come along to our Grand Open Day on Saturday the 17th February between 10am and 4pm at Musselburgh Museum, 65 High Street, Musselburgh. You'll have the chance to view ... MoreOpened 16 February 2018 -
Review of Statement of Licensing Policy - Stakeholder Consultation
East Lothian Licensing Board is currently conducting a consultation on its draft Statement of Licensing Policy. The Board is required to consult with all relevant interested parties on any proposed revision to its policy that must be produced within 18 months of a local council election. The new Policy will be in place for 5 years running from November 2018 until November 2022. The Board welcomes all comments/suggestions. Please read the draft Statement of Licensing Policy under... MoreOpened 8 March 2018 -
Consultation on the draft School Session Dates for 2019/2020
Resources and People Services (Education) are consulting on the draft school session dates for 2019/2020 If you would like to comment on the draft school session dates please complete the short online survey giving your views on the draft school session dates. MoreOpened 27 March 2018 -
East Lothian Local Transport Strategy
A draft Local Transport Strategy has been produced by East Lothian Council to cover the period from 2018 to 2024. The draft Strategy reflects the key role of transport and outlines plans for ongoing development taking into account the wider changes in East Lothian as detailed in the Local Development Plan . As well as the main draft Local Transport Strategy, there are a number of associated Plans which will deliver specific aspects of the overall Strategy - these are: The... MoreOpened 30 March 2018 -
Growing Older
In 2017, East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership was asked to develop a strategy for the reprovision of Belhaven and Edington Community Hospitals and Abbey and Eskgreen Care Homes. These facilities provide a range of services including NHS community beds (step down care, palliative care, NHS Short Care Provision, day treatments), residential care beds, nursing home beds, residential Short Care Provision care, palliative care and minor injuries (not all the facilities provide... MoreOpened 1 April 2018 -
Draft East Lothian Carers Strategy
The draft East Lothian Carers’ Strategy is about making sure that that there is a clear understanding of what being a carer means and that carers get the information, advice and support they need when they need it. It looks at the role that communities, schools, community services, health and social care services, third and independent sectors and employers should play in supporting carers. Carers can be any age from really young children to much older people. Carers care for parents,... MoreOpened 3 April 2018 -
Musselburgh Active Travel Proposed Masterplan
We know that Musselburgh will be growing in the future and this study provides the opportunity to consider how this can be done more sustainably, without relying on private cars for journeys. The Masterplan aims to create an accessible network around Musselburgh to suit the needs of everyone moving in and through the area and connecting into Midlothian and Edinburgh. A network of key Strategic Routes is proposed and would be supplemented with local routes and connections. The key... MoreOpened 26 April 2018 -
East Lothian Primary Care Improvement Plan
East Lothian’s Primary Care Improvement Plan was developed in collaboration with primary care professionals, primary care representatives, stakeholders, service managers, the third sector and planners. It aims to develop a model of care which: Develops a multidisciplinary team approach to identifying and meeting patient needs Establishes new ways of working and new ways to deliver primary care services across the county in suitable premises Provides improved, accessible... MoreOpened 1 May 2018 -
Welfare Foods - a consultation on meeting the needs of children
The powers over Welfare Foods have been devolved to Scotland through provisions in the Scotland Act 2016. As part of the Scottish Government’s drive to give children the best start in life, improve health outcomes and tackle inequality, they are seeking views on how best to take forward these powers to better meet the needs of children and families in Scotland. Welfare Foods includes the current UK Healthy Start Vouchers and Nursery Milk Scheme. MoreOpened 1 May 2018 -
Public Consultation on Traffic Calming in Gifford
Gifford Community Council has been involved in discussions with Police Scotland and East Lothian Council to look at traffic calming measures in the village. A public consultation carried out in 2017 found a high level of support from local residents for physical traffic calming measures. Following on from this, the Community Council looked at a number of options and identified tarmac speed cushions as the most suitable approach. You can find out more about the proposals by viewing... MoreOpened 14 May 2018 -
Democracy Matters - Your Community, Your Ideas, Your Future
The Scottish Government is carrying out a Local Governance Review to consider how powers, responsibilities and resources are shared across national and local spheres of government, and with communities. As part of the Review, the Scottish Government is inviting people to join a discussion about community decision-making, called 'Democracy Matters'. This will take place over a period of 6 months until November 2018. You can get involved by following the link below to the Scottish... MoreOpened 1 June 2018 -
East Lothian Council (Various Roads, Dunbar) (Experimental 20mph Speed Limit) Order 2018
East Lothian Council is consulting on the following Road Traffic Orders: East Lothian Council (Various Roads, Dunbar) (20mph Speed Limit) Order 2018 East Lothian Council (Electric Vehicle Parking Places) Order 2017 A copy of the proposed Orders, Schedules and Plans and statement of reasons for making the Orders can be viewed at our offices in the Main Reception, John Muir House, Haddington during office hours. You can also views these documents under 'Related' below or at... MoreOpened 4 June 2018 -
East Lothian Local Development Plan 2018 Proposed Supplementary Planning Guidance - Development Briefs
East Lothian Council, at its meeting on 29 th May 2018, approved the East Lothian Local Development Plan 2018 (ELLDP 2018) for adoption. The Council has now submitted the ELLDP 2018 to Scottish Ministers stating our intention to adopt the plan for the area. The ELLDP 2018 comprises a development strategy for the future development of East Lothian to 2024 and beyond, a detailed policy framework for guiding development, and proposals maps. It sets out where new development should and... MoreOpened 8 June 2018 -
East Lothian Local Development Plan 2018 Proposed Supplementary Planning Guidance - Cultural Heritage and the Built Environment
East Lothian Council, at its meeting on 29 th May 2018, approved the East Lothian Local Development Plan 2018 (ELLDP 2018) for adoption. The Council has now submitted the ELLDP 2018 to Scottish Ministers stating our intention to adopt the plan for the area. The ELLDP 2018 comprises a development strategy for the future development of East Lothian to 2024 and beyond, a detailed policy framework for guiding development, and proposals maps. It sets out where new development should and should... MoreOpened 8 June 2018 -
East Lothian Local Development Plan Proposed Supplementary Guidance - Developer Contributions Framework
East Lothian Council, at its meeting on 29 th May 2018, approved the East Lothian Local Development Plan 2018 (ELLDP 2018) for adoption. The Council has now submitted the ELLDP 2018 to Scottish Ministers stating our intention to adopt the plan for the area. The ELLDP 2018 comprises a development strategy for the future development of East Lothian to 2024 and beyond, a detailed policy framework for guiding development, and proposals maps. It sets out where new development should and should... MoreOpened 8 June 2018 -
East Lothian Local Development Plan 2018 Proposed Supplementary Planning Guidance - Farm Steading Design Guidance
East Lothian Council, at its meeting on 29 th May 2018, approved the East Lothian Local Development Plan 2018 (ELLDP 2018) for adoption. The Council has now submitted the ELLDP 2018 to Scottish Ministers stating our intention to adopt the plan for the area. The ELLDP 2018 comprises a development strategy for the future development of East Lothian to 2024 and beyond, a detailed policy framework for guiding development, and proposals maps. It sets out where new development should and... MoreOpened 8 June 2018 -
School Name Consultation - Haddington Infant School and King's Meadow Primary School
School Name Consultation – Haddington Infant School and King’s Meadow Primary School Following the consultation that was undertaken in Spring 2018 to close Haddington Infant School and King’s Meadow Primary School and establish a new primary school and its associated catchment area for Haddington, East Lothian Council are now seeking suggestions for a new school name. School Name Possibilities Below are some ideas on which a potential school name... MoreOpened 18 June 2018 -
Road Traffic Order - 20mph Speed Limit at various locations
ROAD (SCOTLAND) ACT 1984 East Lothian Council (Whin Park Area, Cockenzie; Lochbridge Area, North Berwick; & Muirpark Area, Tranent) (20mph Speed Limit) Order 2017 TO – 203 / 17 East Lothian Council gives notice that it has made an Order under Sections 82(2), 83 (2) and 84 (1) and (2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 as amended by the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 to make permanent 20mph speed restrictions in various roads within Cockenzie, North Berwick and Tranent.... MoreOpened 21 June 2018 -
East Lothian Local Development Plan 2018 Proposed Supplementary Planning Guidance - Affordable Housing Quota and Tenure Mix
East Lothian Council, at its meeting on 29 th May 2018, approved the East Lothian Local Development Plan 2018 (ELLDP 2018) for adoption. The Council has now submitted the ELLDP 2018 to Scottish Ministers stating our intention to adopt the plan for the area. The ELLDP 2018 comprises a development strategy for the future development of East Lothian to 2024 and beyond, a detailed policy framework for guiding development, and proposals maps. It sets out where new development should and... MoreOpened 6 July 2018 -
East Lothian Local Development Plan 2018 Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance - Special Landscape Areas
East Lothian Council, at its meeting on 29th May 2018, approved the East Lothian Local Development Plan 2018 (ELLDP 2018) for adoption. The Council has now submitted the ELLDP 2018 to Scottish Ministers stating our intention to adopt the plan for the area. The ELLDP 2018 comprises a development strategy for the future development of East Lothian to 2024 and beyond, a detailed policy framework for guiding development, and proposals maps. It sets out where new development should and should not... MoreOpened 6 July 2018
516 results.
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