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494 results

  • Countess Crescent Dunbar, Prohibition of Motor Vehicles Order 2014

    East Lothian Council proposes to make a Traffic Order to prohibit driving, except for permit holders, on a specified length of Countess Crescent between 8:30am - 9:30am and 3:00pm - 4:00pm Monday to Thursday and 8:30am - 9:30am and 11:45am - 12:45pm Friday during school term time. More
    Closed 4 July 2014
  • East Lothian Various Streets, Belhaven, Dunbar & West Barns, Traffic Management Order 2014

    East Lothian Council is proposing to make a Traffic Regulation Order in relation to various streets in Belhaven, Dunbar & West Barns. More information can be found at the tellmescotland website. More
    Closed 20 June 2014
  • Influencing the next South East Scotland Strategic Development Plan (SDP2) – Your Say

    Following the approval of the first Strategic Development Plan (SDP) in 2013, SESplan is now starting to consider the content and shape of SDP2. Ahead of the preparation of the second Main Issues Report (MIR2), SESplan is seeking your initial views on the vision, aims and priorities for the development of South East Scotland for the next 20 years (to 2038). MIR2 will set out a series of strategic development options covering issues such as economic growth, housing, energy and... More
    Closed 30 May 2014
  • North Berwick Parking Strategy

    East Lothian Council commissioned a study of car parking in North Berwick in 2012. The report produced, 'Delivering Strategies - North Berwick Car Park Site Appraisal Report' contained a number of recommendations. Based on these recommendations, the Council is now proposing to: increase off-street parking provision in North Berwick review the town centre residents' parking scheme and its extents re-designate off-street car parks for short, medium and long... More
    Closed 5 May 2014
  • Oxwellmains to Torness Road, Stopping Up Order

    East Lothian Council has made an Order under section 1(1) and 68(1) of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 stopping up a length of road described in the schedule and plan that can be viewed by following the link below. More
    Closed 11 April 2014
  • East Lothian Council (Court Street, Haddington), Stopping Up Order 2014

    East Lothian Council has made an Order under section 1(1) and 68(1) of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 stopping up a section of footpath on the south side of Court Street, Haddington. More
    Closed 31 March 2014
  • East Lothian Local Fire & Rescue Plan 2014-17 Consultation

    Consultation is now taking place in relation to the draft East Lothian Local Fire & Rescue Plan 2014-17. The Plan outlines how the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service will work with Community Planning partners to deliver sustainable improvements in the safety of communities in East Lothian. More
    Closed 14 February 2014
  • Countess Crescent Dunbar - Proposed Experimental Traffic Regulation Order

    The Council is proposing to introduce an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) in the southern section of Countess Crescent, near to the John Muir Campus of Dunbar Primary School. The Order will prohibit motorised vehicles on the southern most section of Countess Crescent, Dunbar during specified peak school travel time periods. This location has been experiencing pedestrian road safety issues caused by drivers bringing their vehicles too close to the school gates. More details can... More
    Closed 10 February 2014
  • East Lothian Path Upgrades Feasibility Study : Railway Walks Improvements

    Are you familiar with the Haddington to Longniddry Railway Walk or the Pencaitland Railway Path? Are you aware of the existence of these paths? Do you use either of these paths at present? If not, why not and what would encourage you to use these paths? East Lothian Council would like to hear what improvements would encourage you to use either (or both) of these paths for walking, cycling, horse riding or other non-motorised access? We are particularly keen to hear from people who do not... More
    Closed 31 January 2014
  • Rent Consultation 2014/15

    The Council is currently consulting with tenants on a potential rent increase of 4.3% for 2014/15. This is our best estimate of what it will take to maintain existing services and continue our investment in the maintenance and improvement of council houses in this difficult and uncertain financial climate. Once the consultation is closed, we will analyse all responses and prepare a report for a meeting of the full Council. At a special meeting in February 2014, Councillors will... More
    Closed 10 January 2014
  • SESplan Supplementary Guidance on Housing Land

    SESplan, the Strategic Development Plan for Edinburgh and South East Scotland, was approved by Scottish Ministers on 27 June 2013, with modifications. The most significant modification relates to the phasing and distribution of the overall SESplan housing requirement. Through their modifications, Scottish Ministers increased the overall number of houses that local development plans across the SESplan area must plan to deliver in the periods from now to 2019 and from 2019 to 2024. In... More
    Closed 23 December 2013
  • Coastal Car Parking - Consultation on Traffic Regulation Order

    An initial consultation exercise has already taken place to help inform the making of a draft Traffic Regulation Order in relation to coastal car parking (for information on the initial consultation and its findings please follow the link below). In accordance with the Local Authorities (Traffic Regulation Orders) Procedures Regulations, the Council is advertising the making of an Order to charge for coastal car parking and to prohibit and restrict waiting, loading and unloading on... More
    Closed 6 December 2013
  • Tenant Satisfaction Survey

    The Scottish Housing Charter was introduced by the Scottish Government in April 2013. One of the purposes of the Charter is to make landlords more accountable to their tenants and this includes them being required to carry out a comprehensive tenant satisfaction survey at least every three years. More
    Closed 2 December 2013
  • Museums Visitor Survey

    East Lothian Council Museum Service is looking to find out more about their visitors by conducting an in depth visitor study across Dunbar Town House Museum and Gallery, John Muir's Birthplace, the John Gray Centre and Prestongrange Museum. From the 16th to the 30th of August staff in these museums will be asking visitors to complete a short survey (13 questions) about themselves and their visit to the museum. This exercise will be repeated for two weeks in September and October -... More
    Closed 31 October 2013
  • The Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013 Review of Polling Districts and Places - East Lothian Constituency

    In accordance with the Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013, East Lothian Council is conducting a review of polling districts and polling places with regard to UK Parliamentary Elections. The Returning Officer will make comment on proposed polling stations, with the existing arrangements forming the basis for this consultation. Electors within East Lothian County Constituency, which encompasses the whole of East Lothian Local Government Area, are invited to make... More
    Closed 29 October 2013
  • Housing Allocations Policy Review 2013

    We have been looking at the way we allocate housing. We have a legal duty to make offers of housing to those who are in most housing need but we also want to make sure that our communities are balanced and sustainable. More
    Closed 30 September 2013
  • Proposed Waiting and Loading Restrictions Belhaven, Dunbar & West Barns

    East Lothian Council is recommending that the existing Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for Dunbar be amended to reflect current parking behaviour and road use by residents and businesses. More
    Closed 25 September 2013
  • Consultation on Draft School Session Dates 2014/15

    The Department of Services for People (Education) are consulting on the school session dates for 2014/15. There are 2 options to be considered for East Lothian schools: Option 1 - Proposed East Lothian draft dates for 2014/15 (in line with Midlothian Council dates) Option 2 - Approved City of Edinburgh Council dates for 2014/15 If you would like to indicate your preferred option i.e. should East Lothian Council go with the draft proposed dates in Option 1 which align with... More
    Closed 6 September 2013
  • Consultation on Draft Statement of Licensing Policy

    The Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 makes provision for regulating the sale of alcohol and for regulating licensed premises and other premises where alcohol is sold. Scottish Licensing Boards are required to publish a statement of their policy with respect to carrying out their functions under the Act every 3 years. The East Lothian Licensing Board has produced a Draft Statement of Licensing Policy for 2013-2016 and is keen to gather feedback from all interested parties. You can... More
    Closed 6 September 2013
  • Prestongrange Family Activity Day Survey

    East Lothian Council Museums Service held a Family Activity Day at Prestongrange Museum on Saturday the 24th September. The day included a range of free activities for families including archery, arts and crafts, outdoor games, storytelling and orienteering. There was also the chance to meet the Ranger Service, get your photo taken with Lennox the Lion of East Lothian Council’s Libraries, take part in activities with Archaeology Scotland and Borders Search and Rescue Unit, and visit... More
    Closed 6 September 2013
  • Haddington Community Survey

    Haddington Community Development Trust was established earlier this year and aims to transform Haddington into the best small town in Scotland. This survey will provide valuable information to help us take the first steps to: * Deliver a thriving, bustling town centre * Attract more tourists * Create jobs, boosting our local economy * Empower and provide opportunities for young people More
    Closed 16 August 2013
  • Re-shaping Our Drugs and Alcohol Services in Midlothian and East Lothian

    Mid and East Lothian Drug and Alcohol Partnership (MELDAP) is made up of a number of different groups such as the NHS, Police, Councils and the Voluntary Sector. MELDAP works with others to deal with the problems caused by drug and alcohol as well as making sure that money is well spent and gives good value. More
    Closed 9 August 2013
  • Visiting John Muir House, Haddington - Service User Questionnaire

    East Lothian Council is currently reviewing public access to John Muir House, Haddington. This includes looking at public access at the Main Reception in John Muir House as well as the access at Court Street and Planning Reception. The following services are provided at each of these receptions: Court Street Reception - payment of Council tax and Rent; enquiries for all services, including Community Housing, Benefits and Licensing. Planning Reception - Blue Badge assessment... More
    Closed 31 July 2013
  • Draft Town Centre Strategy for Musselburgh

    East Lothian Council is consulting on the draft Town Centre Strategy for Musselburgh. The strategy has been prepared following extensive deliberation at the Musselburgh Town Centre Task Group, a sub-group of the Musselburgh Local Area Forum. The group has representation from Musselburgh and Inveresk Community Council; Windsor Park Tenants and Residents Association; Musselburgh Conservation Society; Inveresk Village Society; Queen Margaret University; Musselburgh Business Association;... More
    Closed 31 July 2013
  • Coastal Car Parking - Initial Consultation

    At a meeting of East Lothian Council in December 2012, a commitment was made to the introduction of parking charges at some coastal car parks. The process for introducing charging falls under a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) and this requires certain procedures to be followed, including the carrying out of consultation. Coastal car park charges will help to fund improvements to car parks: "Our coastal tourism strategy is based on our outstanding natural environment providing a... More
    Closed 2 June 2013
  • Waste & Recycling Collections Survey

    Do you recycle? How often should we empty your recycling boxes and refuse bin? Would your answers change if food waste was collected too? Tell us what you think and help shape your waste and recycling collection services by completing the survey in your Recycling Guide, being delivered to every household in late March. More
    Closed 31 May 2013
  • East Lothian Council website survey 2013

    East Lothian Council’s website has been rated as ‘four star’ in Better connected 2013 , Socitm Insight's independent survey of 433 local authority websites. The website was among 37 to achieve the top four star rating with 140 receiving three star status. The purpose of Better connected is to identify good practice in the development of local authority websites based on extensive evidence-based research. More
    Closed 31 May 2013
  • For East Lothian Council Housing tenants - Homefront consultation

    The purpose of this very short consultation is to find out which are the most effective ways to tell East Lothian Council housing tenants about housing and housing-related matters. More
    Closed 31 May 2013
  • Library Service - Customer Survey

    The Library Service is carrying out a consultation on what customers are using their local library for and what they think about the service provided. Customers visiting town libraries between the 6th May and the 25th May will be asked about their visit as they leave the library. Customer visiting village libraries during this period will be handed a survey to complete themselves. (As North Berwick Library is currently located in temporary accomodation, a survey will be conducted... More
    Closed 25 May 2013
  • Modification to Planning Guidance for the Location and Design of Wind Turbines in the Lowland Areas of East Lothian (Dec 2010) and Environmental Report

    East Lothian Council is modifying its Planning Guidance for the Location and Design of Wind Turbines in the Lowland Areas of East Lothian ("Lowland Wind Guidance"), approved in December 2010. The modification is to incorporate the recommendations of the East Lothian Supplementary Landscape Capacity Study for Smaller Wind Turbines approved in December 2011. The Council consulted on a draft version of this Supplementary Landscape Capacity Study in the autumn of 2011 and in December 2011... More
    Closed 17 May 2013
494 results. Page 16 of 17