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494 results

  • Fraser Centre Feasibility Study

    The Fraser Centre Community Trust is looking at options for the redevelopment of the Fraser Centre in Tranent. The Trust is carrying out this consultation as part of a wider feasibility study. More
    Closed 26 April 2013
  • East Lothian Council Equality Plan 2013-2016

    The purpose of East Lothian Council's Equality Plan is to clearly state the Council's commitment to equality, diversity and human rights and to demonstrate how we are meeting the requirements of the Equality Act 2010. Together with its action plan, it identifies key priorities for achieving improved equality outcomes in a targeted and consistent way across the Council. More
    Closed 22 March 2013
  • Community Response Annual Survey 2013

    This is an annual survey to gather the views of customers receiving a Community Alarm or Telecare service from the Council. Service users from both Mid and East Lothian will be asked about their experience of using these services and whether there are any improvements they think necessary. Service users will be sent a questionnaire via the post and will be provided with a stamped addressed envelope to return it in. More
    Closed 8 March 2013
  • People with Autism and Parent / Carers in East Lothian (National Autism Mapping Project)

    The National Autism Mapping Project is being conducted in partnership with the National Autistic Society, Scottish Autism and Autism Initiatives. To further the vision of the Scottish Strategy for Autism, these organisations have been asked by the Scottish Government to find out how current services are working together to meet the needs of people with autism or Asperger syndrome. They also want to find out about how communities support people in their lives. In order to do this, two... More
    Closed 28 February 2013
  • Listen and Learn Youth Summit

    An afternoon event for young people where they can get feedback on issues raised at previous Listen and Learn sessions and take part in two World Cafe sessions, during which young people will look at themes they have identifed for this session, including transport, image of young people, employment, inclusion and what they want from their local communities. It will be an opportunity to meet elected members and managers. The Youth Friendly Awards will also be presented at the Youth... More
    Closed 23 February 2013
  • Neilson Park Road and Victoria Road, Haddington - Proposed Experimental Traffic Regulation Order - Prohibition of Vehicular Traffic (During School Travel Periods)

    The Council is proposing to introduce an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) at two locations near to schools in Haddington. The Order will prohibit vehicular traffic in Neilson Park Road and Victoria Road during specified school traffic time periods. These two locations have been experiencing ongoing significant pedestrian road safety issues caused by drivers bringing their vehicles too close to the school gates. More details can be found in the Cabinet report below (under... More
    Closed 22 February 2013
  • Summer Activities for Children and Young People with Additional Support Needs

    The purpose of this questionnaire is to find out which arts and museum activities your child would like to come along to this summer. More
    Closed 14 February 2013
  • King's Meadow Primary School and Haddington Infant School - Planning for the Future

    East Lothian Council is carrying out a consultation to gather views on whether to merge King's Meadow Primary School and Haddington Infant School. Three possible options are being looked at: 1. The status quo - both schools remain separate with their own Head Teachers, management structures, policies and development plans, etc 2. The schools remain separate as described above but with a shared Head Teacher leading and managing both schools. 3. Both schools become one... More
    Closed 31 January 2013
  • Rent Consultation

    The Council is currently consulting with tenants on a potential rent increase of 4.3% for 2013/14. This is our best estimate of what it will take to maintain existing services and continue our investment in the maintenance and improvement of council houses in this difficult and uncertain financial climate. Once the consultation is closed, we will analyse all responses and prepare a report for a meeting of the full Council. At a special meeting in February 2013, Councillors will... More
    Closed 18 January 2013
  • Pencaitland Parallel Footpath Proposal - Consultation

    The Council is consulting on plans to build a wider footpath in Pencaitland running parallel to the main road from the bridge, through the church grounds and directly into the school, thus avoiding the main road pavement. More
    Closed 30 November 2012
  • Local Area Office and Library Customer Satisfaction Exit Survey

    East Lothian Council is carrying out an Exit Survey at its main Local Area Offices and Libraries. Customers will be interviewed by an indendent interviewer as they leave Council Local Offices and Libraries - this will allow us to get their views on the service received whilst it is still fresh in their minds. Topics covered will include: The time take to deal with their enquiry How polite, helpful and knowledgeable staff were How clear and relevant any... More
    Closed 30 March 2012
  • Local Development Plan - intial consultation (pre-Main Issues Report)

    Work has begun on the East Lothian Local Development Plan, ELLDPone. This will be a new land-use plan that will eventually replace the existing East Lothian Local Plan 2008. We want to gather the views of everyone with an interest in East Lothian, to know what aspirations people have for the way their area might develop over the next ten years or so, and what planning issues they think may need to be addressed in the new plan. A series of 10 consultation events were held across East... More
    Closed 12 March 2012
  • Community Response Annual Survey 2012

    This is an annual survey to gather the views of customers receiving a Community Alarm or Telecare service from the Council. Service users from both Mid and East Lothian will be asked about their experience of using these services and whether there are any improvements they think necessary. Service users will be sent a questionnaire via the post and will be provided with a stamped addressed envelope to return it in. More
    Closed 2 March 2012
  • Local Transport Strategy Consultation

    East Lothian Council is updating its Local Transport Strategy (LTS) and wants to hear the views of organisations and individuals about key transport issues. The current LTS was published in 2001 and needs revised in order to reflect changes that have occurred since then (including changes to other Council policies). East Lothian Council’s Transport Spokesperson Councillor Barry Turner said: “Transport is fundamental to today’s society whether it is for work or leisure... More
    Closed 31 August 2011
494 results. Page 17 of 17